When travelers think of Myrtle Beach activities and attractions, there’s sure to be a common theme (other than the beach itself) of Miniature Golf, Unique Shopping Complexes, Seafood Buffets, and watersports. There is a veritable plethora of activities and experiences available during the sunny days and cooler nights. Myrtle Beach is truly an exciting place full of possibilities and variety….until it rains.

The majority of families who visit the Grand Strand and experience the inevitable summer rainy day or afternoon tend to hunker down in their vacation rental condo or house, turn on the tv, and everyone escapes to their phone or tablet. Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. It’s pretty much what folks do at home. Every. Single. Day. Let’s be real – the reason why families go on vacation is to spend the quality time together that they miss throughout the year due to sports, work, school, and more work. Now, when it rains, they go right back to their own little microcosms of binge watching, fail videos, and “liking” pictures of other people’s food. I’m here to tell you, there’s a place in Myrtle Beach that can help deter this all to common fallback and provide that bonding quality time that folks came down here to experience.

Myrtle Beach Games is located at 4050 Socastee Blvd in Myrtle Beach and has cornucopia of Board Games, Card Games, Miniatures, and Comic Books. This place has everything that the most experienced gamer could ask for, as well as TONS of great easy to pick up board and card games perfect for any family.
Founded over a decade ago, Myrtle Beach Games has welcomed both travelers and locals to their unique and friendly store and provided a safe, inclusive culture for folks of all ages and experiences. When Alison and I visited this Friday, we were first blown away by their very organized and accessible inventory of board games. We saw everything from the classics to newer staples, such as “Cataan” and “Mysterium”. As we scanned the store, there were several folks in there playing games, talking, and laughing. The common theme was evident: People were having fun!

Chris and Anthony welcomed us with smiles and open arms as they gave us the grand tour. We were certainly impressed by the organization and inventory that they had for not just fun and exciting board games, but for card games such as Magic: The Gathering, Pokemon, and Keyforge. There’s also a great selection of action figures, graphic novels, and unique collectibles that you can’t find anywhere else in Myrtle Beach. They are even adding a virtual reality arcade and full snack bar to the location!

They also told us about the great events that happen daily which include open play for board games, Pokemon and Magic leagues, as well as the very cool and visually striking Warhammer Miniatures game. Every Saturday, there’s open play for Pokemon for kids of all ages. Kids get a free pack of cards just for showing up and they even order pizza. It’s very kid and family friendly.
back to why this place is great for rainy days and families: The Board Games.
It’s so easy to go in, find a game that’s interesting and fun. The staff and
even patrons can recommend a game that’s easy to learn and can involve families
with kids of any age. Board games are
excellent for beach vacations, because they put families right across the
dining room table from one another and involve teamwork, competition, and
laughs. Families can bond over these experiences and the cell phones and devices
are usually turned off or put away.
It’s why you go on vacation: Quality Time.

This Saturday, May the 4th, is FREE COMIC BOOK DAY, where anyone can visit and get free comic books from major publishers like Marvel, DC, and Image. It’s a great time to come in and check out everything Myrtle Beach Games has while getting some absolutely free swag!
On your next Myrtle Beach Vacation, plan for that rainy day and check out Myrtle Beach Games. You won’t be disappointed!
Myrtle Beach Games
4050 Socastee Blvd. Myrtle Beach, SC 29588
Website | Facebook | Twitter

Jason Coker is originally from the metropolis of Burlington, NC and is passionate about vacation rentals. Having served on the front lines of a premier vacation rental company, Jason has a great understanding of all aspects of this fantastic industry. An aficionado of music, sports, and all things geeky, Jason spends his free time performing music, grilling out, and relaxing with his son, daughter, and lovely wife, Amy.